Denise WebbBorn Again: One night
after Her TestimonyI joined Yuma Baptist Church when I was about ten years old. I knew at the time that I wasn't saved, but a lot of kids were baptized that year and I guess I wanted to be too. When Harold and I married we started attending church at Independent Baptist Church. Revival services began and Brother Kenneth Massey was the preacher. Harold started going to the altar for prayer and I would go to pray with him. The Lord began to remind me that I wasn't saved either. Needless to say my condition got worse. We would talk about the service every night after we got home. It seemed like the Lord dealt with me more when I was alone with my own thoughts at bedtime. When I laid down to sleep I would pray on my pillow for the Lord to save me. Then, one night as I lay on my pillow praying I just thought, I'll die if that's what it takes, and somehow within myself I gave up everything in this world. At that very moment RELIEF passed over me and I fell asleep immediately. I doubted my experience for some time until I realized there was no burden in my heart when I heard sermons about dying and going to hell and I haven't had trouble in my heart like that since. I joined the church in 1982 and was baptized.
Harold WebbBorn Again: Saturday, July 1981, His TestimonyThrough the preaching of the gospel by Brother Kenneth Massey, I became convicted of my sins. I witnessed the salvation of others and how they shouted and rejoiced in the Lord and I decided that is how I wanted to be saved. I discovered later, however, I could not be saved the way I wanted, but the way God wanted. After doing everything I knew to do, I turned everything over to the Lord and prayed that He would save me. When I did that, the Lord saved me and I knew it. Sweet peace came over me and I have never been lost again. The revival at Independent went through Saturday that year and I was saved on Saturday night.
Rachel WebbBorn Again: July 1, 1998 |
Her TestimonyI was saved when I ws nine years old. I was at church and I started shaking and got sad. I prayed that God would save me. When I got saved my heart started feeling different. I felt better after I prayed that God would save me. I felt happy! |
Harold is an HMBC Deacon, and Treasurer of the church. He and his wife Denise are devoted members. He is one of our congregational song leaders
and a member of the Victory Quartet.
Denise is a HMBC choir member. They have one daughter, Rachel.
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