Mitchell Whitworth

Born Again: Friday Night, July 2, 1993
Place: Independent Baptist Church
(On the left side of the Altar)
Age: 29

His Testimony

I felt conviction when I was about nine years old. I knew if I died I would go to hell, but I dodged going to church so I would not feel so bad. Many years later, I started going to church again. The conviction I felt as a child soon returned and I knew I was lost. During a revival in 1993, I went to the altar three times and prayed for salvation each time, but was not satisfied. On Friday night, the Lord saved me, but I was not sure what to do. Sunday morning God let me know and I gave my testimony and joined the church. I was baptized that night. I finally realized God was the only One who could save me and He did. Now my heart is filled with joy and peace and love.


Shelia Whitworth

Born Again: Thursday,
July 1, 1993, at
9:15 P.M.
Place: Independent Baptist Church
Age: 26

Her Testimony

I knew I had been lost for a long time (since I was 13 years old). I have always been a stubborn person and would tell myself to wait till the next revival or a Sunday when not many people were at church and then try to be saved. On July 1, 1993, I became so burdened it didn't matter how many people were at church. That Thursday night, I went to the altar and prayed for about an hour. Still unsaved, I attempted to stand, but when I was half way to my feet, the burden was so heavy I fell to my knees again. Then in a twinkle of an eye, I was saved and I felt peace within.

Dustin Whitworth

Born Again: July 1, 1998
Where: Independent
Baptist Church
Age: 10

His Testimony

On a Wednesday night, fourth night of the revival, I was sitting on the second row on the far left. I knew if I did not get saved I was sure enough going to hell. There were three or four people under conviction. I just knew I had to get saved that night. I did not want to take any more chances. That night I was sitting on the pew and the Lord started messing with my heart. That night I got saved. It was the happiest feeling I had ever had.

Drake Whitworth

Born Again: July 1, 1998
Where: Independent
Baptist Church
Age: 7

His Testimony

When I knew that I was not saved I knew that I was going to hell.Then I went to the altar and prayed and my dad went with me and he prayed for me and my mom did too. Then after I prayed I felt a lot better.


Mitchell and Shelia are the Youth Directors at HMBC and their sons, Dustin and Drake, are involved with the youth and are both Sunday school teachers (drake is a little older now). They are well loved by the youth and have dedicated much to the development of the youth program of HMBC. Mitchell teaches in the Huntingdon school system and Shelia is employed in the health industry. HMBC is fortunate to have such devoted members working in our church.

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