Cathy Parish

Born Again: On Palm Sunday,
April 21, 1971


The season of spring has always been my favorite time of year. After long and cold winter days, I can be outside in the warm sunny weather planting a garden of flowers and vegetables. It is a time when everything is reborn and begins to grow new again.

I was saved on Palm Sunday, April 21, 1971. I was born new again by the grace of God and for that I will always be thankful.







Donald is an HMBC Deacon,
Adult Sunday School Teacher
A retired
Circuit Court Judge,
Husband of Cathy & Father of Caroline.

Donald, Cathy & Caroline are all dedicated members and active workers in the church.


Donald Parish

Born Again: On a Saturday night
in July of 1967
Place: At Home
Age: 10 Years

His Testimony

God saved me as a ten year old boy on a warm Saturday night in July of 1967.

My mother was ill at the time, in fact, she had been bedfast for weeks. Brother Robert Noles came to our home that evening to visit and pray with our family. As he prayed, so did I. While I was concerned for my mom, I was more concerned for the state of my soul. I knew that I was lost. I prayed that God would forgive my sins and save me. I felt as though God caught me up that evening and sealed my soul forever.

This experience had to be by grace and by faith, because as a lad I had surely done no works to earn such a great gift....nor shall I ever be able to do so.




Caroline Parish

Born Again: March 16, 2004
Where: At Home


Her Testimony

I have attended church all my life but there was a time in March of this year (2004) that was different. When I got home I had this pounding feeling in my heart. I didn't know what was wrong. I laid in bed for about 10 minutes. Then it hit me. God was telling me something. That if I was to die tonight I would go to hell. So I asked Him to save me and He did. From that night forward March 16, 2004, has been my favorite day.


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