Janet McClure

Born Again on July 30, 1980
Where: Clarksburg
Missionary Baptist Church

Her Testimony

I was saved by the grace of God on July 30, 1980 at the age of 13. My parents always took me to every church service from the time I was born so I always knew about Jesus in my head. At the age of 11, I felt conviction begin to stir in my heart and knew that I needed something more than just knowledge in my head. I struggled for two years and went to the altar many times but could never find that peace I kept hearing about from others. While I was still seeking Him, several others in the church kept getting saved, and I just couldn't understand why I was having such a hard time. I thought I was a good kid, but being good was not what the Lord needed from me. He needed me to surrender. Finally during revival in 1980, I was at the end of my rope. I remember going down for prayer that Wednesday night. There were others seeking the Lord all around me. At some point, I just had a peace that came into my heart. My Dad told me to pray some more and be sure. I could no longer pray for myself. I was praying for all the others to be saved. When service started on Thursday morning, Bro. Harold Carver gave an invitation for church membership, and my heart started pounding again. I have always gone back to that Wednesday night at Clarksburg Missionary Baptist Church and know that what He gave me will take me to heaven when I die!


The McClures
Will, Johnny, Janet and Alli

Johnny McClure

Born Again: A Wednesday night in
When: July of 1986
Where: At my home

His Testimony

I was saved on a Wednesday night in July of 1986 at home in my bed.

I had been going to Clarksburg Missionary Baptist Church since 1984 with my future wife Janet. I had been to the altar several times under conviction, mostly during revival. That particular night I was laying in bed praying and crying because I knew I was lost. At some point the tears and fear were replaced with a smile and an incredible peace. I have no doubt when I leave this world that heaven will be my home.








Alli McClure

Born Again: March 21, 2005
Where: At Home In My Room

Her Testimony

My family had just moved to Huntingdon and I had been wanting to go to this church. The first day we went, a boy in my class had asked how you were supposed to get saved. After that day, I got convicted for about two weeks. I was too scared to pray to God. I finally went up to my room one day and prayed to God to save me. I cried and asked for forgiveness, and I was saved that day. It was on March 21, 2005. Now I have another reason for that day to be my favorite day of the year: March 21st was already my birthday and now I get to celebrate my salvation, too.


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