Kenneth Massey
Born Again: Thursday Night,
August 6, 1953
Place: Enon Chapel
Baptist Church in Trousdale
County, Tennessee
Age: 11
His Testimony
My family was invited by Brother Gene Canter and his wife, Willie, to attend a revival which was in progress about forty miles from our home in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. While on our way, a cloudburst came and water got so high that it drowned out the car. I was happy because I thought, "That's one sermon I won't have to hear", but the rain stopped, the car started, and we went on to church. Brother Calvin Gregory was preaching that night and it seemed he preached straight to me. When he gave an altar call several went down, but I went outside. I walked over to a group of men, but it occurred to me that someone might come outside and ask us to go in to the mourner's bench. I knew that I didn't need to be standing there so I went over to the men's outdoor toilet. While standing in there, I heard the Pastor's (Brother Albert Crouch) wife, Earline asking, "Kenneth, are you in there?". I replied, "Yes". She asked, "Are you lost?" and I replied, "Yes mam". She asked if I would go inside and let them pray with me and I went. The bench was full except for one corner and that's where I landed on my knees. My mother and father were on each side of me and I heard my father say, "God have mercy on us!" That deepened my conviction. It seemed like I was falling into hell when something moved under me to stop my fall. Everything got still and peaceful and I knew I had been rescued by the saving grace of God. I got up and told everybody that the Lord had saved me.
Judy Massey
Born Again: On A Wednesday Night
Place: At Church During Revival
Age: Teen AgeHer Testimony
My best friend invited me to go to church with her one wednesday night when I was in High School. It was during revival and after the preacher finished preaching he gave an altar call. I did not plan to participate, but before I knew it, I was at the altar. I don't even remember leaving my seat as I was under much conviction. I was relieved of my burdens. I was baptized by Calvary Baptist Church in Carthage, Tennessee.
"Shew me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me:
for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day."
[Psalms 25:4 and 5]Kenneth Massey is a Baptist minister and former Pastor of Independent.
He is married to Judy Massey and they have two children, Julie and Lance. Kenneth and Judy currently live in Nashville, Tennessee.[ Home | Testimonies | Next | Contact Us ]