Barbara Carter

Born Again: February
of 1975
Where: Christian Chapel
Church of Christ






Her Testimony

In February of 1975, I attended Christian Chapel Church of Christ. I had been under conviction for quite some time, literally seeing the pits of hell open up directly underneath me. Sometimes I was so afraid I felt that I would black out.

This particular Sunday, I was more afraid than ever and felt that if I didn't move, I would surely die. I did the only think I knew to do - go forward to the front of the church and ask to be baptized. I did so - went through the required actions to take the burden of sin from my shoulders. But when I left the water and was in the small dressing room alone - I realized the burden, the fear and the feeling that I was going to hell was still there. So I raised my eyes toward Heaven and talked to God. "What else do you need me to do?" and "I don't know what else to do" were statements that I remember "thinking out loud." Then I started crying and just threw my hands up and stated "I'll do whatever you want" and surrendered my will to Him because there was nothing left to do. Instantly a peace washed over me. I was at peace, calm and content, feeling that difference in my soul.

Many times Satan has attempted to tell me that my salvation wasn't real because it didn't happen in "The Church" at an altar, but every time I just go back to that little dressing room on the left side of the baptistery at Christian Chapel Church of Christ. I know I've been saved. This is the one constant in my life and is enough to carry me home.

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