Shelia Whitworth

Born Again: Thursday, July 1, 1993, at 9:15 P.M.

Place: Independent Baptist Church

Age: 26

 My Testimony

I knew I had been lost for a long time (since I was 13 years old). I have always been a stubborn person and would tell myself to wait till the next revival or a Sunday when not many people were at church and then try to be saved. On July 1, 1993, I became so burdened it didn't matter how many people were at church. That Thursday night, I went to the altar and prayed for about an hour. Still unsaved, I attempted to stand, but when I was half way to my feet, the burden was so heavy I fell to my knees again. Then in a twinkle of an eye, I was saved and I felt peace within.

"And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive." [Matthew 21:22]

Shelia is the wife of Mitchell Whitworth and they are the parents of Dustin and Drake . Shelia and Mitchell are actively involved in the youth ministry of Huntingdon M. B. Church. Shelia is also a member of the choir.

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