Nan Stapleton

Born Again: Wednesday of the Third Week of August in 1967
Place: Bethel Missionary Baptist Church
Age: 16
Joined the Church on August 27, 1967




 My Testimony

I thought I was saved when I was a young child (about 7 years old). I began attending Bethel Missionary Baptist Church in Toledo, Ohio, and heard the old-time gospel. As the gospel went forth, I became troubled and knew after a short time that I had never experienced salvation. I attempted to run from the conviction, but the evangelist, Brother Pete Porter, called out to me, "Young lady are you saved?". Under great condemnation, I answered, "No". I went to the altar that night and with a large congregation all around me, I repented to God and He gloriously saved me. I will never forget that wonderful day.

"He must increase, but I must decrease. He that cometh from above is above all: he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth: he that cometh from heaven is above all."
[John 3:30-31]

Nan is the wife of Pastor Lynn Stapleton and they are committed to living for Christ. Nan is very active in church activities, especially as leader of the "The Helping Hands", a group of church ladies who meet monthly to study the bible and fellowship with each other. They are active in charitable works for the church and the community. She is also a teacher at McKenzie High School in McKenzie, Tennessee.


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